Terms and Conditions

By accessing and using the website www.planpatru.ro (hereinafter referred to as the „Service”), you agree to comply with this set of terms and conditions of use.

The Service is owned and operated by the Association for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage „APPIC.”

This set of terms and conditions of use establishes your rights and obligations in relation to the Service. If you do not agree to fully comply with the terms and conditions of use, you must cease accessing and using the Service.

The terms and conditions of use serve as a contract between the Provider and users who access and use the Service.

Your User Account on the Service

To use the Service, you must be at least 16 years old.

You may create a personal account within the Service, or an account may be assigned to you by one of the administrators, as an employer. In this situation, different or additional terms and conditions may apply, and the administrator will have the right to access or deactivate your account.

To protect your Service user account, keep your password confidential. You are responsible for all activities that occur within or through your Service user account. Avoid using the same password for third-party applications.

Your Content within the Service

Certain components of the Service allow you to upload, submit, store, or receive content. You retain all intellectual property rights over such content. In short, everything that belongs to you remains yours.

When you upload, submit, store, or receive content within or through the Service, you grant the Provider (and its partners) a worldwide license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works (such as those resulting from translations, adaptations, or other modifications to make the content function better within the Service), communicate, publish, publicly display, and distribute such content. The rights you grant in this license are for the limited purpose of operating, promoting, and improving the Service, as well as developing new features.

This license remains in effect even if you stop using the Service. Some components of the Service may provide ways to access and remove content provided to that service. Additionally, for certain components of the Service, there are terms, conditions, or settings that limit the use of content submitted within those components of the Service. Ensure you have the necessary rights to grant us this license for any content you submit within the Service.

You can learn more about how the Service uses and stores content in the Data Processing Policy (GDPR) and the Cookies Policy. If you provide feedback or suggestions about the Service, we may use such feedback or suggestions without any obligation to you.

Use of the Service

You must comply with the terms and conditions of use, as well as the privacy policy provided within the Service.

Do not misuse the Service. For example, do not attempt to interfere with the Service or access it in ways other than through the interface and instructions provided by us. You may only use the Service in accordance with legal provisions. We may suspend or terminate your access to the Service if you do not comply with the terms and conditions of use or our policies, or if we are investigating suspected misconduct.

Using the Service does not grant you any intellectual property rights to it or to the content you access. You are not entitled to use content from the Service unless you obtain permission from the content owner or if the law allows it. These terms and conditions of use do not grant you the right to use any trademarks or logos within the Service. Do not remove, obscure, or alter any legal notices displayed in or along with the Service.

The Service displays content that does not belong to the Provider. The entity responsible for this content is the one that makes it available. We may review content to determine whether it is illegal or violates our policies and may remove or refuse to display content that we reasonably believe violates our policies or the law. However, this does not necessarily mean that we review content; therefore, do not assume that we do so.

Regarding your use of the Service, we may send you service announcements, administrative messages, and other information. You may opt out of some of these communications.

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Intellectual property rights are intangible rights, such as copyright, know-how, database rights, design rights, patents, registered trademarks, as well as registered domain names.

The Service is protected by international conventions and national copyright laws, as well as international trade regulations.

All content elements, including layouts, texts, images, illustrations, graphics, audio, or video clips, are subject to trademarks, service marks, copyrights, and other related rights or licenses held by the Provider and its partners or third parties who have granted the Provider a license for that content.

Logos, names of goods and services, and offers belonging to the Provider’s partners are their property, and they hold full rights and obligations over them.

Users of the Service may not copy, download, reproduce, modify, distribute, transmit, transfer, or create derivative works from the content of the Service without the written permission of the Provider.

By accessing the website, the user agrees to protect, ensure, defend, and presume the Provider’s innocence regarding any losses, expenses, damages, and costs resulting from the violation of these terms and conditions of use by them.

If the user of the Service believes that any material on the website, published by the Provider or anyone else, infringes on copyright or any other intellectual property rights, they may contact the Provider at the email address contact@planpatru.ro to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.

Permissions and Responsibilities

Service users are directly responsible for:

  • Any content they enter through the Service.
  • Sharing the profile of the entity for which they were granted a user account with other invited users through the Service to contribute content. These users will not access the Service until they accept the terms and conditions of use.
  • All activities within the Service, such as: creating, editing, modifying, or deleting content, which are performed under their username, with the Provider reserving the right to intervene in such content if the requirements established in this document are not met.

Service users are not allowed to:

  • Register any illegal, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, pornographic content that invades personal privacy or affects minors in any way.
  • Register content as events that represent promotions or offers of services, products, or any type of marketing activities for goods or services for any duration.
  • Register content that includes private information or identifies a third party without their explicit consent.
  • Register content that is false, misleading, confusing, or intended to misinform.
  • Use the Service for illegal or unauthorized purposes.
  • Modify, adapt, or exploit the security of the Service, as well as modify other websites to falsely suggest an association with the Service.
  • Create and send unsolicited emails to other Service users (“SPAM”).

If the user is not a Romanian citizen or resident, they must comply with Romanian law regarding acceptable behavior and content in online media.

The Service user agrees that the Provider may take the content they create and edit for the purpose of sending it to another website or mobile application displaying content from the Service.

About the software programs within the Service

When a certain service requires or includes downloadable software, such software may automatically update on your device when a new version or feature becomes available. Some services may allow you to configure your settings for automatic updates.

The Service offers you a personal, global, royalty-free, non-transferable, and non-exclusive license to use the software provided by the Provider as part of the Service. This license is solely for the purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the benefits of the Service as offered by the Provider, in the manner permitted by these terms and conditions of use.

You are not allowed to copy, modify, distribute, sell, or lease any part of the Service and included software; nor are you allowed to reverse-engineer or attempt to extract the source code of such software, unless the law permits these restrictions or you have written permission from us.

Modifications and Termination of the Service

We are constantly modifying and improving the Service. We may add or remove features or functionalities; we may also suspend or completely discontinue providing a component of the Service.

You can stop using the Service at any time, though we would be sorry to see you go.

The Provider may also stop providing the Service to you or add or impose new limits on components of the Service at any time.

We believe that you own your own data and maintaining access to that data is important. If we discontinue a component of the Service, where reasonably possible, we will give you prior and reasonable notice and provide you with the opportunity to retrieve information from that component of the Service.

Warranties and Disclaimers

We provide the Service at a commercially reasonable level of competence and care and hope you enjoy using it. However, there are certain things we cannot guarantee about the Service.

Aside from what is expressly stated in these terms and conditions of use, neither the Provider nor its partners make any other promises about the Service. For example, we make no commitments about the content within the Service, the specific functions of the Service, or its reliability, availability, or ability to meet your needs. We provide the Service “AS IS.”

Some jurisdictions provide certain warranties, such as the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. To the extent permitted by law, we exclude all warranties.


The Provider cannot be held liable for any damages of any kind that the Service user or a third party may suffer as a result of the Provider fulfilling any of its obligations as outlined in these terms and conditions of use.

The Provider is not liable if its subcontractors and/or partners fail to meet any of their contractual obligations.

Force Majeure

Neither party will be held liable for any breach of contractual obligations if such breach is caused by an event of force majeure.

Force majeure is an unforeseeable and unavoidable event, recognized as such by applicable law.

About these Terms and Conditions of Use

We may modify these terms and conditions of use and any supplementary terms that apply to the Service, for example, to reflect changes in the law or changes to the Service’s functionalities. You should occasionally review these terms!

Changes will not apply retroactively and will become effective no sooner than 10 days after they are posted. However, changes relating to new features of the Service or changes based on legal modifications will apply immediately. If you disagree with those changes, you can discontinue using that component of the Service.

If there is any inconsistency between these terms and conditions of use and the supplementary terms, the supplementary terms will prevail.

These terms and conditions of use govern the relationship between you and the Provider. They do not create any third-party beneficiary rights.

If you do not comply with these terms and conditions and we do not take immediate action, this does not mean we waive any rights we may have (such as the right to take action in the future).

If a particular term is found to be unenforceable, this will not affect any other terms and conditions.

To find out how to contact us, visit our contact page within the Service.